Explain ViewEncapsulation in AngularJS
ViewEncapsulation determines whether the styles defined in the AngularJS component will affect the entire app or not.
ViewEncapsulation determines whether the styles defined in the AngularJS component will affect the entire app or not.
In angular, pipes provide a simple method to transform the data. It takes the values like arrays, integers, data, and strings as input and divided with pipe (|) symbol. It…
In angularJS, a module is a process to group directives, and services components that are related. It arranges them in a way that they can mix with other modules to…
DSL animation functions in AngularJS are: 1) group() 2) state() 3) transition() 4) style() 5) keyframes() 6) trigger() 7) sequence() 8) animate()
Isolated test is a process of checking instance of class without using any injected values or Angular dependence. It helps you to implement program very easily.
Routing is a method of merging various views. The controller takes the decision to combine these views depend on logical needs.
In angularJS, pipes can have more than one parameter in order to tune the fine output. You can create a parameterized pipe by declaring the pipe with colon(:) and values…
Angular CLI is also called as the command line interface tool. It is used to build, initialize, and maintain Angular apps. CLI software can be used through very interactive UI…
AngularJS metadata is used to decorate a class that depicts the expected behavior of a particular class. Various parts of metadata are: 1) class decorator 2) Method decorators 3) Parameter…
Various hooks in AngularJS are: 1) ngOnInit() 2) ngOnChanges(), 3) ngDoCheck(), 4) ngAfterContentInit(), 5) ngAfterContentChecked(), 6) ngOnDestroy(), 7) ngAfterViewChecked(), and 8) ngAfterViewInit()