State the difference between React JS and React Native
React JS is a front end open-source JavaScript library used for building UIs, While React Native, is an open-source, mobile framework which allows developers to user React on platforms like…
React JS is a front end open-source JavaScript library used for building UIs, While React Native, is an open-source, mobile framework which allows developers to user React on platforms like…
Important features of Redux workflow are: Reset: Helps you to reset the State of the Store Revert: Allows you to roll back to the last committed State Sweep: All disable…
The current stable version of React is version 17.5
Yes, you can use attach JSX element with other JSX components which is very much similar to nesting HTML elements.
Ref is a reference to the element. It should be avoided in most cases. However, sometimes it is used when you need to access DOM or instance of the component…
BindActionCreator helps you to bind the event based on the action dispatcher to the HTML element.
Most important protoype used in React js are: number string array object element
We can spill the rescues based on the event actions. That action should be split in separate modules
In order to create the same component in more action flow, we are using the same functionality in various modules.
We can dispatch the data to another component which should be based on the action which stores the parent component.